Hello there , beauties ! This is my fashion blog , I usually will be selling all my good stuff that can still be use by you . Do leave your linkies and drop any comment for more info :)
Hye there fashionista . In this blogshop I sell items that me , myself tak fit nak pakai . Mostly of my shirt and blouse . Plus , I also sell some of my shawls and syria .

Here are few of terms and condition that must be followed .

All the items are in a very good condition , if the parcel sampai dekat you then ada a bit kerosakan , it is probably due to the sending process .
The items that were purchased will be delivered only on Monday . (Unless stated)
The payment must be made 3 days before the parcel being delivered to you and the money can be delivered through Maybank or Bank Islam .*as stated above(Monday)
If you are interested with our items , kindly send us your full name , phone number , address that the parcel will be deliver to , and the item/s code to my email (goody2box91@yahoo.com / zatiemail@gmail.com)
Kindly to send me a text message after you've bank-in the money into my account .
If you had any questions regarding the items here , kindly to drop your comment here :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wordless Wednesday 4

Thank you :)

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